Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES00525
flag Kuwait
Male, Age 16
Language: Arabic
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: Science Club, Math Club, Environmental Issues
Sports: Soccer, Basketball, Handball
Arts: Public Speaking

Dear American Family,

A boy with millions of dreams. I have always cherished my dream of studying in the U.S. and discovering new things in other parts of the world. So many times, have I thought of one day writing a letter to you. And now my dream has almost come true. Finally, I have a chance to send you, my letter. I hope it will help you learn a little about me- the boy who lives far away from you.

First, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Abdullah, but my loved ones call me Aboody. I'm 15 years old and currently in the 9th grade. Let me tell you something about my hobbies, I love reading like bookworms, focusing on my studies and classes. I also enjoy playing games in my free time, taking part in social activities and activities in school. My favorite subjects at school are English, Science and math. If I am asked to talk briefly about my personality, I will describe it in 5 words: Ambitious, excellent communicator, highly organized, energetic and people person. I live in a family of 10: my parents, three brothers, four sisters and me. My respectable father is a retired Diplomat. My beautiful mother is a full-time housewife, and she cares for all of us. Growing up I have been in multiple countries like Spain, Turkey, Bosnia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Portugal, and Malaysia. Until seven years ago my father had transferred back. We occasionally have activities every Once a week where we go out and enjoy our time together at parks, beaches, deserts, malls, etcetera.... Usually at home we would do numerous small activities, and it would either be digitally or physically!

There are many responsibilities I endure at home. Mainly, I wash my own laundry, such as wash my clothes, and dry them afterwards. I wash the bathroom, prepare my own meal, do the dishes after meals, organize the room and keep it tidy, pack lunches, and if there are any pets, I would feed them, if required. I can also do chores that are appointed to me.

There are multiple views of the city which are astonishing and beautifully amazing. It has numerous amounts of modern buildings with outstanding designs that will catch your eyes glancing at it. Also, has multiple parks and shops that are handy for some situations! It is such a blessing to live here.

As I write this letter, I remember how I described myself 10 years ago in my school, but so far there have been so many changes in my entire life that have had an enormous influence in shaping my personality. Independence gave me lots of experience in terms of my personal and intellectual development. Personally, living apart has become a positive challenge for me, because I was taught to be manageable both with my time and my personal expenses. Probably, my friends would describe me as an ambitious, communicative, funny and bubbly person.

What my friends like about me other than I am a sharp boy is my communication skills, because there is always something that I can think of to keep up the conversation. Besides, I feel comfortable around people, which helps me to adapt easily to new atmospheres or indulge in making new friends with complete strangers in seconds. In school with friends, we enjoy playing sports such as football (soccer) and basketball, sometimes we run track, and see who is faster than the others. We also love revising together before an exam as its something thats beneficial.

Going to the USA has always been my biggest dream which I wish for every day, every minute, every second. Its my golden opportunity to make new friends and get to know more about different cultures, traditions, and atmospheres, from many different countries of the world. I will challenge myself in a totally new environment I have never been to before, which helps me to become more confident, self-reliant, mature and stronger. All these things above explain why I wish to study in America and why I look forward to it that much. Also, the gains from my exchange experience.

For my future and career there are multiple things particularly crossing my mind profoundly. I would like to study Political Science Education. And for my career, I thought of becoming either a diplomat, or an ambassador.

I hope we will get along well and make it a wonderful, unforgettable year. During my stay, I will help you learn more about my little country and all the traditions, customs, lifestyle, culture, religion, food, unique and interesting facts about it. I will also introduce to you the most beautiful and famous places I will always be ready to give a hand and be there when you or the host community need me most.

Best wishes,


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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