Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES00225
Md Musfiqul
flag Bangladesh
Male, Age 17
Language: Bengali
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: School Clubs, Cooking, Crafts
Arts: Painting, Debate

Dear American Family,

Take my heartiest greetings. I hope you are doing great. Let me take the opportunity introduce myself. I’m Md Musfiqul. I’m currently 16 years old.

I live with my family of four which includes my father, my mother, my younger brother and myself. My father and my mother both are in teaching profession. My younger brother goes to the same school with me. He is currently in 7th grade and I’m in 9th grade. My family and I spend a lot of time together. After an exhausting day we all sit together, talk about our days and have our evening tea.  We have a great time together in general. Another thing that I enjoy is cooking with my mother and preparing new dishes.

I have five pet fishes. I love them so much. I look after them, feed them and clean their tanks regularly. I also have to take care of the plants that we have. Besides, I clean my room, help my mother with her household works for instance making tea for everyone and do my chores. Sometimes, I prepare few dishes for our guests. Apart from these, I have the responsibility to do the tasks which require reaching heights as I’m the tallest in the family.

Personally, I really love to cook for people and feed them. Besides, I have a great interest in arts and crafts. Although I’m not a great artist. I feel that is a way to express ourselves. I’m very eager to know the cosmos. I’m curious about the unknown and unsolved mysteries of the outer space. Moreover, I’m into music an literature. Indie is my favorite genre of music.

Friends are one of the most important part of my life. They’re very positive and possess a great sense of humor. They don’t hesitate to correct me if I’m wrong. We often hangout and grab food together. Organizing events and functions at school is my most favorite activity with them. We all live in the same city. The city where we live is the most cleanest, greenest and decorated in our country. The city is by the bank of a large river. Our city is also very popular for mangoes and silk clothing.

I want to pursue my higher education in astrophysics and be a professor. I get the inspiration for this from my parents. I’m studying hard and trying to work my way up to become a good academician.

The US has always been a dream country for me. I’m very eager to have the experience of living there. By going to the US, I’ll be able to explore American culture. I’ll get the opportunity to meet new people, make friends and develop new skills. I believe life is all about gaining experiences. This experience can help me grow as a person. I want to step out of my comfort zone and be open to try new things through this program. Moreover, I want to broaden my mindset and learn to accept differences. Therefore, this is the opportunity to grab.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you in person and have a wonderful time.

Yours sincerely,

Md Musfiqul

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New Rochelle, New York 10801
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