Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: ICX30325
flag Germany
Female, Age 16
Language: German
Religion: Christian
Hobbies: Church Youth Group
Sports: Tennis, Horseback Riding, N/A
Arts: Art, Dance

Dear host family, 

My name is Jonna, and I am 16 years old. 

I live Germany. At the moment, I live here with my mother, father, two older brothers, and two cats. We all live together in a beautiful part of our town.

We are living in my parents house, which is a typical German house made of red stones. Here in Germany, I have my own room, and I love it because I always have a retreat location. My parents are both teachers at different schools in our town; my mom teaches German, English, and Music, and my dad teaches Chemistry. 

Me and my family really like to travel together; we have visited around twelve countries in Europe together. Most of the time, we are going camping. Besides that, my family loves soccer. We are all fans of a famous soccer club in Germany. My brothers watch their games every weekend. Sometimes they also take me with them. I also like soccer, but I am not that big of a fan. Since my parents are teachers, we always have holidays at the same time. Which gives us a lot of time to spend together. I also have other family members in our town: my grandmother and my aunt. I visit them regularly, and we often go on trips or do fun activities like baking together. My other grandparents live around 3 hours away; that’s why I see them less often, but they still come to visit me and my family around six times a year, which is really great. 

In Germany, I visit the 11th grade. My school isn’t far from home, so I mostly get to school by bike, but sometimes when the weather is bad, I also take the bus. My favorite subjects are English, the arts, and music. Since the beginning of this year, I have been a student representative at my school. My schedule is really good; on Mondays, I start at 8:40 and have school until 14:25. On the other days, I have school from 07:55 until 13.10 or 14:25. This gives me a lot of time to spend on my hobbies. My favorite hobby is horseback riding. At the moment, I do it three times a week. I really love it. At my stable, I am also giving lessons for others; it's kind of like a job, and it's really cool to teach others and see how they make progress. Besides horseback riding, I really enjoy going for walks around my block or in the park nearby. I spend around 2–3 days a week with my best friends. We love to bake, cook, or go for long walks together. During the holidays and sometimes on weekends, I work at our church nearby. We have a lot of cool activities for all the children in our town, and sometimes we even go on trips with them. I do it for free with friends because we loved those activities when we were younger, and we want to give other kids the opportunity to experience the same as we did. I also really like to draw and being creative.

The United States has always fascinated me, and I am really excited to experience the American culture, broaden my horizons, and learn about everything in the USA. I want to learn the language even more and make some new friends. I’m looking forward to also sharing my own culture with you. I’m really excited about making memories with you and your family.


Yours sincerely 


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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