Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: EEV20225
flag Germany
Female, Age 15
Language: German
Religion: N/A
Hobbies: Pets, Reading, Drama Club
Sports: Gym (Fitness)
Arts: Piano, Photography

Dear Host Family,

I'm Yasemin. I live in a big city but not in the center rather on the outside. I have parents who I am close to but no siblings but I have a dog. I grew up with three languages: German, English and Turkish. My mom is Turkish and my dad is German. Because of my dad's job we moved two times to England when I was a few months old and again when I was 5 years old. I went to the 1. and 2. grade in England. I continued school in Germany. My family lives in Germany and in Turkey. We visit them in Turkey every year in the summer and mostly also in autumn. I play piano since I was seven and did a lot of different sports. At the moment I do home workouts but I would like to play tennis again. In my free time I like to meet with my friends. Most of my friends go to my school. My school days are mostly long but we don't have any school activities or homework. I would like to try out activities in the highschool I would be in. In my primary school there were school activities and in the school I am now there used to be but since Corona pandemic there aren’t any anymore. Since my school days are mostly long, I meet with friends right after school or go home and read or watch a series and do my workout. Except on Monday there I have my piano lessons. I also play piano during the week to practice for the lesson. On weekends it depends what I do. Every second or third Sunday we visit my grandmother who lives 40 minutes away. I have 3 close Friends who like to read. We like to go to bookstores together, bake pastries or go to cinemas and watch movies and meet up and have sleepovers. We also like to go in the city center and do some shopping. We drive with bus and tram to get there and it takes us about 25 minutes. I like to travel and see new places. I like photograhing but I don’t do it that often anymore. I like to cook but mostly bake. I don’t use that many recipes as I like to try new things. But if I have something specific to bake then I use recipes. I would also like to cook or bake something traditional German. I’m looking forward to the traditional American bank holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas). I am curious to expirience traditions in person and how the life of the USA will be.

Thank you for taking me in! I am looking forward to meeting you and spending time with you in the US!

See you then


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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