Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: KUL01925
flag Germany
Female, Age 16
Language: German
Religion: -- other --
Hobbies: Reading, Crafts, Travel
Sports: Handball

Dear future host family,

At this point I want to introduce myself, and especially I want to thank you. I am thankful for future moments and adventures, that we will share. Also for the possibility to make this exchange year.

Here in germany I life with my parents and my pets in a house with a big garden. I have my own room because I am a only child, and I like to retreat there.

My hobbies are playing the piano and handball. But also I love to read, I read every single day. Beyond that I am interested in history, especially the middle age or the rococo era. I like the fashion in this times.

Also I like the space and astronomic.

I do not have so many good friends, but I have two best friends. One of them loves reading as me, so when we meet, mostly we read together and talk about our books. Also we are liking doing creative things like painting or built something out of wood.

With my other best friend I also like to do creative things, or something like gymnastics. We call it circus, because we let her little brother do saltos with our help or he climbs on our shoulders. It is very funny.

I want to make an exchange year in the USA, because I were not in another continent yet, and I like to see new countries and cultures. Also I think it is a very cool adventure, so I can tell my friend about it. Moreover I want to practice my English, because I think I am not VERY good at it.

I am most looking forward to find new friends and the new school, because I think the German school system is very different to the American school system. Naturally I am glad to see my host family and were I live this year. At least I want to try new hobbies and I am looking forward to a very good time there.

Best wishes


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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