Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: ICX01725
flag Germany
Female, Age 15
Language: German
Religion: Protestant
Hobbies: Playing Musical Instrument(s), Ballroom Dancing, Church Youth Group
Sports: Ballet, Sailing, Alpine Skiing
Arts: Orchestra, Painting, Drama

Dear host family,

My name is Gesa. I am 15 years old and live together with my family in a big city in the North of Germany. I would love to spend the coming school year in the USA because I would like to learn more about American culture, improve my English skills and experience the typical high school spirit.

In my neighborhood, traces of the American presence during the division of Germany can still be found: Many places and institutions which I take for granted in my everyday life would not exist without the commitment and support of the Americans. As a primary school pupil, I visited the Allied Museum and I was strongly impressed with the way the United States showed solidarity with the Berlin population during the 1948/49 airlift.

In the last few years, the idea of spending a year abroad in the USA matured in my mind. I imagine it would be great to live and go to school for a year in a country that I have only ever known from history and English lessons, the news or movies. The United States are still regarded as the “land of opportunity” and the nation that stands for liberal and democratic values throughout the world. It would really be a dream come true for me if I could discover this country intensively and from the inside.

I would like to use my year abroad to improve my English, get to know the country and its people, make new international friends and experience everyday life in a different family and at an American high school. On the other hand, I am also interested in representing my home country, telling other people about German culture and history and helping to present Germany's best side abroad. My expectation of a high school year in the USA is to have both positive and perhaps surprising experiences that will shape me in any case and influence my future and possibly also my way of thinking and attitudes.

I have a younger sister and a younger brother with whom I get on well. I also have a very good relationship with my grandparents, who live about two hours away from us. My mother works in university administration and my father works as a lawyer in a company. They like to travel, dance and cook and are interested in culture. We often go on vacation with the family to a small island in the North Sea or to the Baltic Sea, but I have also travelled to a few countries in Europe.

In my free time, I have been dancing classical ballet for more than ten years. I have been playing the piano for six years. As I wanted to play in my school's symphony orchestra, I started learning the viola as an additional instrument three years ago. I also particularly enjoy doing outdoor activities together with my friends. My hobbies include various water and winter sports, such as sailing, stand-up paddling and skiing. During my year abroad in the USA, I would like to actively participate in school life and join various school clubs to try out new sports and activities such as cheerleading, drama or journalism.

I am a member of a Christian youth group and take an active part in church life. I am also a member of the group at my school. We research the stories of people murdered by the National Socialists, apply for the installing of stumbling blocks and organize memorial events.

After school I want to travel the world, study and get a good job, where I can help other people. I am always open to new things, open-minded and interested in many different things. Other people appreciate my reliability, my commitment and my organizational skills. I am also active and enthusiastic and enjoy taking on new challenges. I feel prepared to get involved in unfamiliar situations and with strangers. Fortunately, I find it easy to approach people with an open mind, adapt, integrate and make friends quickly. I am tolerant of other opinions and cultures. I am also creative and interested in cultural activities as well as political issues and contexts. I would be very happy to be able to go to the United States for a school year and in this way make a small contribution to German-American understanding.

Many thanks in advance for your hospitality and best regards,


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New Rochelle, New York 10801
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