Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES01425
flag Tunisia
Male, Age 16
Language: Arabic
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: Math Club, Scouting, Computer Programming
Sports: Soccer, Gym (Fitness)


I am Mouadh, I am 16 years old, from Tunisia currently in my second year at my local High School. My family is made up of five people, and I am the youngest. Now, I am living alone with my parents while my brother and my sister are attending university. My father is the head of the plant and animal production department while my mother is a laboratory technician at high school.

For my responsibilities at home, I am primarily responsible for taking care of my 5 canaries so I ensure their well-being by providing all their necessities. I always clean and organize my room. Moreover, I am often responsible for repairing some broken items and other items. In addition, I take care of the house's simple needs so I usually go to the weekly market to complete my duties.

Beyond my studies, I am passionate about raising animals taking care of them and tinkering in my free time by repairing watches and computers. Furthermore, I am interested in participating in many extracurricular activities, being a socially active person that's why I am now a leader of the Youth Club, a member of the civic education club of my school and I am also a scout member. I attend all the reunions and activities.

Outside the classroom, I like to improve my maths olympiad and computer skills so I reached level 2 in programming with C++ on the France IOI website and participated in many math competitions like the national exam organized by ATCCM and OFM in Tunis, and I had training in the Math Olympiad by ATSM.

Fortunately, I am very lucky to have trustworthy, reliable friends and we share a love for learning and creativity, which bring us closer together. I love my friends because they are always by my side and always give me a hand in my lows and ups and I am also there for them anytime they need me. I like not only to be with them in serious situations like club meetings or revising for school exams but also to hang out and have fun and play football (soccer) and video games with them.

Additionally, my city is known for its captivating landmarks, natural views and it is a unique mix of modern life and traditions, you can even visit some historical places or festivals. What I adore most about my city is the warm welcome that people give to guests and tourists, with our strong sense of community.

In addition, I have a strong interest in areas like improving my future data science engineering diploma so my goal is to be the leader or co-leader of Microsoft or Apple after gaining experience in some jobs in this domain such as Cybersecurity Engineer.

Moreover, I want my host family to know that I have meaningful skills which will make me comfortable while being with them which are self-responsibility, communication skills and respect that I developed when I was the leader of the youth club and my initiative "Fifty-Fifty" which will allow us to have a peaceful and great relation. I'm always eager to learn new things because I value teamwork and collaboration.

I'm excited about the opportunity to immerse myself in American culture and share my experiences with you. I look forward to expanding my horizons, gaining a deeper understanding of different cultures, trying the American's people daily routine and events like Halloween, discovering new country's landmarks such as "The Statue of Liberty" and learning new skills. I also want to be the best ambassador of my country in the USA. I hope to bring back knowledge that will help me in both my academic and personal life so I'm an enthusiastic and driven individual eager to bring my diverse experiences to the YES program and meet my host family.


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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