Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES03525
flag Indonesia
Female, Age 16
Language: Indonesian
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: Playing Musical Instrument(s), School Clubs, Cooking
Arts: Piano

Dear American Family,

My name is Farah. I'm 15 years old, and I'm pleased to introduce myself to you. And I am excited to have the opportunity to stay with your family as part of the exchange student exchange program. I am currently living with my parents, and my older sister. I have two cats named Ici and Sena. We are warm and supportive family. At home, we enjoy doing lots of anything. We like to spend time together doing activities, such as watching movies, and doing sports together on weekends. When I'm at home I have the responsibility to make my own bed, prepare what clothes I want to wear and on weekends I help my parents to tidy up the house. With this responsibility I believe that this teaches me to be disciplined and cooperative in doing something, but I really enjoy helping my family out whenever I can.

As for my interest, I have an interest in cooking. I usually share the food that I make with my dearest and also play musical instrument, piano. I feel happy and relaxed when playing the piano, especially when I feel sad or exhausted. I am also active in organizations at my school, namely OSIS. I am a member of academic achievement, arts, and sports sections. This organization can be a place to develop myself in the fields of social skills, build networking, also good communication. Then I have a wonderful of friends who share my interest. My friends are on of the valuable things in my life. On weekends we sometimes plan go out, and study together. We always support and make each other laugh.

Speaking of my city. It is a beautiful place, with many cultures and special fish-based food. This city is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia.

Regarding future plans, I plan to continue my studies at Monash University, Australia. Faculty of Environmental Engineering majoring in Environmental Resource Management. When I graduate, I want to work in the field of Environmental Engineering. I believe this experience will help me achieve this goal.

I want my host family to know what I am an open child, and like to learn new things and like challenges. I look forward to sharing my culture and experiences with you. And from this lesson exchange experience I want to gain insight into life in America, develop my skills in English, and make very meaningful friends and friendships.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I really look forward to the opportunity to meet and share experiences with you.

Thank you. 


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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