Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: CDE20625
Maria Luisa
flag Brazil
Female, Age 16
Language: Portuguese
Religion: Catholic
Hobbies: Reading, Volunteering
Sports: Soccer, Track and Field (Running), Fitness Classes
Arts: Guitar


My name is Maria Luisa, but everyone calls me Malu. I’m 16 years old and I’m a very determined, optimistic, friendly, happy, and enthusiastic girl.

I live with my parents and two brothers in the south-west of Brazil. My family and I like to do a lot of things together, like having dinner out and traveling on holidays. My parents have been incredibly supportive of my exchange plans, and I’m always very grateful for them. My dad is a super fun person, always making jokes. He’s always supporting me in all my decisions and encourages me to not give up on my goals. He is a very friendly person, and I’m always learning a lot from him. He’s a cardiologist, and I admire him a lot. My mom helps me every day to be a better person. She is always by my side, guiding me in my choices and supporting me in everything I do. She has her own business, and I admire her a lot too. I also have two brothers. We are very close and share a strong connection. They love playing every type of sport, but their passion is soccer. They play it so well, and I appreciate them a lot. We spend a lot of time together, playing all kinds of games, from video games to board games. We also love watching movies together. We also enjoy playing soccer together it’s always so much fun. They are not just my brothers but also my best friends, and I feel very lucky to have them in my life. I’m also so grateful for my relationship with my cousins, we have a strong bond. We share the best moments together, like trips, holidays at my grandparents’ farm, where we love to ride horses, play every type of game, and enjoy sports. We are so close, and I’m always grateful for this connection.

 Here in Brazil, I go to school during the weekdays, where I have studied since I was little and have a lot of friends. My classes start at 7 am and end at 12 pm but on Monday and Wednesday, they end at 5 p.m. My favorite subject is biology. During the week, after school, I also go to the gym, play futsal (which is indoor soccer), run (I’m training for a half marathon), have English classes, and I’m learning to play the guitar.

 I love playing sports and think it’s super important for my physical and mental health. They help me relieve stress and teach me teamwork, which is such an important life skill. On weekends, I like to hang out with my friends and have fun together. We enjoy watching series and movies, going to the movie theater, cooking, playing games, and even running and doing exercises together. We also like to go to church together.

 When I’m by myself and don’t have anything to do, I like to watch movies, series and listen to music. My favorite series are Modern Family and Outer Banks and my favorite singers are Gracie Abrams, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, and Bruno Mars. I also love riding bikes, especially when I travel to the beach. Every holiday, my family and I used to travel to the beach, which is my favorite place in the world. There, I can relax, swim, and appreciate nature and the ocean.

 We also travel to my grandparents’ farm on weekends sometimes. There, I enjoy spending time with my cousins and brothers. We swim, ride horses, watch movies, cook with our grandma, and play games. My grandparents have some dogs, and two of them, Kiara and Simba used to live with me and my family when they were puppies but moved to the farm when they grew up. I love animals, especially dogs. I always play with my friends’ and cousins’ dogs, even though I don’t have one, but I really wish I did. My grandparents also have two cats, and I love playing with them.

 At home, I’m responsible for my room and help to keep the house clean, I promise to help with everything during the months I’ll be in the USA. I’m an easy-going person, and I believe that when we have a problem, talking is the best solution.

 One of the main reasons I want to do an exchange year is to improve my English, meet new people, and create international connections that can last a lifetime. I believe that living different experiences in another country with new habits, new family, new culture will make me a more independent and mature person. I hope this exchange will help me grow as a person by learning a new culture, meeting new people, and making new friends.

I’m extremely grateful and excited for the opportunity to do this exchange program and can’t wait to meet my host family! I hope not only to improve my English but also to experience a new culture, meet new people, and to see the world different as I see it now. I believe this experience will transform my life and contribute to my personal and academic growth. I’m looking forward to sharing my Brazilian culture with my future host family and learning a lot about their culture and traditions. I’m sure this exchange will enrich everyone involved and create memories and friendships that I will carry for life. I’m hoping to find a family that cares about their members and that will take me as part of the family.

 Looking forward to meeting you!


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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