Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: STE02025
flag Germany
Female, Age 16
Language: German
Religion: Catholic
Hobbies: Playing Musical Instrument(s)
Sports: Jogging, Tennis, Gym (Fitness)
Arts: Orchestra

Dear host family,

 I´m a 15 year old girl from a village near a big city in Germany. I live in an appartment with my mom, my dad and my two rabbits. Currently, I`m in 10th grade of a Secondary School.

This is what a typical day looks like for me:

I wake up at 6 in the morning and start getting ready for school. When I´m done with that, I eat breakfast, which I prepared the night before. Usually, I leave at 7 a.m. and go to school by tram with my best friend. It takes abot 10 minutes for me to get to my school. Normally, I have 6 to 8 hours of school. I have many classes, for example English, Mathematics, German and French. Aside from that, I have Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Religion and so on. My favourite classes are Mathematics and English.

After school I go back home with the tram.

My mom is not always home when I come back from school. Sometimes I cook for my mom and myself.

 After eating lunch, I rest a bit before I either finish homework or depending on what day it is, I go to clarinet practice, orchestra, the gym, meet my friends, or study for my upcoming finals.

Sometimes I help out at celebrations of my orchestra. I for example prepare food or hand out drinks.

 I used to regulary play tennis for a few years, currently I don`t have weekly practice but I still sometimes play with a friend.

 If I got enough time, I go out to run, preferrably with my mom riding along with her bike.

 My father comes home later in the day and we often cook and eat dinner together. In the evening, we often watch a show together or I spend some time in my room writing, studying or reading with friends. Before I go to bed, I prepare my breakfast for the next morning. I go to bed around 10 pm.

 I don't really have a tight schedule at the weekend. I often see my best friend, who I've known since kindergarten, and together with another good friend we often have sleepovers.

I also love trying out lots of new recipes. I love to cook and bake for my family and friends.

 Once or twice a year, my parents and I visit a new city in Germany or France at the weekend. We also have a longer vacation every year.

Last year we went on a cruise and visited beautiful places in France, Spain and Italy, for example Rome, Barcelona, Florence and Pisa.

 I hope I was able to give you an insight into what my everyday life is like. I would love to tell you more about my country and culture and would also be happy to learn more about yours.

If you are considering becoming my host family, I would like to thank you in advance.

I really appreciate this opportunity.

Interested in hosting—whether 6-8 weeks or the entire school year?

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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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