Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES04625
flag Bahrain
Male, Age 15
Language: Arabic
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: Math Club, Video Games, Computer Programming
Sports: Soccer

Dear American Family, 

My name is Abdullah, and I am 14 years old. I really like to play video games and soccer, as they are my favorite hobbies. When I was young, I was really into soccer, and as I grew older, I got even better, which led to me joining multiple academies. I am also into video game's such as Fortnite, Brawl Stars, and Minecraft! I usually like to tidy my room for my responsibilities at home, and I sometimes clean my dishes if it is necessarily needed.

Furthermore, one of my interests is books, especially diary of a wimpy kid. Also, I like to be fairly productive as I get boredom if I don't work on something. In addition, math is one of my favorite core subjects as I've been in a math program for 6 years since 2015 till 2021 as I was able to solve logarithm problems since 6th grade which made me 4 years ahead of school in math.

Moreover, I have a friend group containing 5 people, we usually like to hangout in malls, arcades or meet up together in soccer fields were we enjoy our time there. We like to meet up virtually as we always stick together in video games when we are playing.

To add to that, my city is a quite well known city in Bahrain, it is fairly populated with a lot of stores to look into and purchase! In addition, I like to roam around my city with my bicycle but I wish there were roads built for bicycles for safety.

In addition, I would really like to be a software engineer when I grow up because I like coding and creating websites as I would love to learn more about it in the future and take courses in the university about it.

Also, I would like you to know that I like going out a lot to fun places such as theme parks or educational places such as museums because I really like to learn about old things, cultures and histories of certain topics.

Lastly, I would like to go to the exchange program to gain more knowledge and experience in studying in America and to exchange cultures and traditions with the American citizens so they can learn about the cultures and traditions in Bahrain and they can teach me about their cultures and traditions.

Thank you.


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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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