Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: STE02225
flag Germany
Female, Age 16
Language: German
Religion: N/A
Hobbies: Baking, Travel, Movies
Sports: Handball, Volleyball, Gym (Fitness)
Arts: Video Production

Dear future host family,

I hope you are doing well.

My name is Karla, and I am very happy and thankful that I will have the chance to stay with you soon. Honestly, I find it a little bit strange now, to write a letter to a family, of who I don't even know the name yet, but I am really looking forward to meeting you, so I would like to try to tell you some more about me, that you can get to know me already a little bit better.

I am 15 years old and live in Germany. In my free time I play handball, I am training three times the week and have league games on the weekends, but I am also interested in many other kinds of sports, especially volleyball, table tennis or alpine skiing. 

I also enjoy working in the kitchen and bake cakes or cook for my family. I like to spend my free time with my friends, going to cinema or shopping or do sports together. 

And I also really love to travel. My family and me already have been to several places and countries, but I still want to see and learn much more.

I am a positive thinking, cheerful and open-minded person who loves to experience new things and wants to learn new people and cultures. I am an active person who loves to do sport activities. I am also a quite determined person and work hard to reach my goals.

My family are my mother, my father, and my younger sister. My mum is working as a project manager at a beverage company, my dad is working as a social worker. My relationship to my family including my grandparents, aunts and uncles is very good. I love them all very much and I like to spend time with them, whether it is a funny evening with playing games, playing badminton, or going out for restaurant.

The expectation and hope for my year in the USA is to improve my English skills, to learn a lot about the American people and culture, to find new friends and of course have a wonderful time with you, my host family. I am excited to know more about you, your background and traditions and hope you will help me a little bit to find my way in your place and your country. I would be happy to also introduce you a bit to my culture and my home country, for example by cooking a typical German meal for you and to show and explain photos from my home and my daily life.

After my time abroad, I plan to finish my school in Germany and then start to study. I am not sure yet, what I would like to study or what I would like to work later, but maybe I will get to know myself better during my year abroad and find some guidance there.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. I can hardly wait to meet you soon and look forward to the time with you and to become a part of your family.

Warm regards Karla

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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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