Exchange Student Finder 
Student ID: YES05825
flag Tanzania
Female, Age 17
Language: Swahili
Religion: Muslim
Hobbies: Movies, Reading, Video Games
Arts: Dance

Dear American Family, 

It is my pleasure to introduce myself. My name Zairafa. l'm 16 years old and I am a student. I am belongs to a nuclear family. My father is a businessman and a hard work person.  My mother is a housewife but she is kind and charmy person. Also I have young brother. he is trouble but clever person. Together, we enjoy to visit national park, historical sites and to watch movies. As a family member of course I have the responsibilities at home;those are washing dishes, helping to prepare meals, cleaning my room and fetching water because a water pipe is far from home.

On the part of friends. I have many friends but I'll talk about three among them. They are so kind and charmy people. Also we like to play video games and to solve Mathematics quiz together, this is because Mathematics is our favorite subject.

For brief information about my country; It has beautiful coral reefs, It has peace and security, also it has fresh water and natural harbor. For me, my plans are to finish my secondary education then I'll study medical education after that I'll apply for a job as a doctor.

My host family need to know that I am charmy, kind, hard work and an honest person. Also. I am quick leaner and I believe in learning from my past mistakes and experiences. From my exchange experience, hope that I will improve my English language. I will form a new relationship and new friends. Also I will learn new culture.

Thank you.  









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PAX - Program of Academic Exchange
271 North Avenue, Suite 601
New Rochelle, New York 10801
United States Of America
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